Speech Therapy For Dyslexia In Adults

Speech Therapy For Dyslexia In Adults | Voz Speech Therapy Services Bilingual Speech Therapist Clinic Washington DC

Words have the ability to shape our world and convey our thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

Dyslexia, a learning disorder that affects reading, writing, and spelling skills, can persist into adulthood.

For those with dyslexia, the world of words can be a complicated puzzle filled with unique challenges.

However, there is hope.

Enter speech therapy for adults with disabilities, a specialized field dedicated to addressing language and communication disorders.

Through the power of speech therapy, adults with dyslexia can unlock their potential and overcome linguistic barriers.

Join us as we explore the transformative impact of speech therapy for adults with dyslexia.

What Is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects the brain’s ability to process written language.

This results in difficulties with reading, spelling, and writing.

Dyslexia is a neurological condition that affects the way you perceive and interpret language.

Remember, it is not a reflection of someone’s intelligence or effort.

People with dyslexia may experience challenges in recognizing and decoding letters, words, and sentences accurately and fluently.

One of the main features of dyslexia is challenge in what’s called phonological professing.

This is the ability to recognize and manipulate the individual sounds, called phonemes, that make up words.

Unfortunately, these difficulties can impact various areas of life, ranging from academic performance to personal relationships.

However, with the right support and strategies, people with dyslexia can develop effective coping mechanisms and thrive in their own unique way.

How To Tell If You’re A Dyslexic Adult

Identifying dyslexia in adulthood can be a complicated process.

Symptoms may appear differently compared to childhood.

If you suspect that you might be a dyslexic adult, there are several signs you can look out for.

Difficulties with reading, such as slow reading speed, frequent word or letter reversals, and struggles with decoding unfamiliar words, are common indicators.

You may also experience challenges with spelling, often making consistent mistakes.

Additionally, difficulties with organization, time management, and remembering sequences of information can appear frequently.

It’s important to remember that dyslexia can vary in severity, and you may exhibit a combination of these signs to different degrees.

If you resonate with these experiences, seeking a professional assessment can help you understand your unique situation.

Are There Different Types Of Dyslexia?

Dyslexia does not have a one size fits all definition.

In fact, there are different types and profiles of dyslexia, each with their own characteristics and challenges.

Let’s take a look at them below.


Dysphonesia is a lesser known term within the realm of dyslexia.

It refers to the difficulty a person may experience in processing different speech sounds.

Dysphonesia specifically targets phonological processing and spoken language skills.

If you have dysphonesia, you may struggle with recognizing and reproducing sounds accurately.

This can significantly impact your ability to comprehend spoken language.

This can lead to challenges in speech production, comprehension, and language development.

Dysphonesia can present itself in several ways.

Sometimes, people may struggle with distinguishing similar sounding words, leading to confusion between words like “sheep” and ship”, or “bat” and “mat”.

You may also have difficulty blending different phonetic sounds to create words, which is a fundamental skill for reading and writing.


Dysnemkinesia refers to a specific type of dyslexia that involves motor skills and difficulties with letter formation during writing.

Those with dysnemkinesia often struggle with knowing how to accurately create letters.

This may lead to letter reversals and inconsistent formation.

As a consequence, this can make the act of writing a challenging and frustrating experience.

Letter reversal, such as writing “b” instead of “d”, or “q” instead of “p”, is a common characteristic.

These challenges are based on impaired motor coordination and difficulties matching the movements required to form accurate letters.

Recognizing and addressing these fine motor skill based difficulties can be beneficial if you have dyslexia to help you develop more accurate and fluid written communication skills.


Dyseidesia is a term that includes challenges related to visual skills and word comprehension.

If you have dyseidesia, you may experience difficulty to understand written words, making reading and comprehension a significant challenge.

It may present itself as difficulty decoding and processing the visual symbols that form words, which may impede your ability to extract meaning from written text.

Additionally, you may struggle with associating sounds with words, leading to difficulties in auditory word recognition.

This means that you may have difficulty recognizing words by sound.

This makes it harder to grasp and retain new vocabulary or comprehend spoken language effectively.

These difficulties can have a profound impact on daily life.

You may struggle to keep up with the reading demands of society or encounter difficulties in understanding written instructions.

You may also struggle to read and understand emails, texts, and written documents.

What Is Dyslexia? | Voz Speech Therapy Services Bilingual Speech Therapist Clinic Washington DC

How Can Speech Therapy Help Dyslexic Adults?

Speech therapy is a valuable resource that can make a significant difference in the lives of dyslexic adults by providing targeted interventions to enhance communication and literacy skills.

One of the main areas speech therapy addresses is phonological awareness.

This involves recognizing and manipulating individual sounds that make up words.

By targeting phonological awareness, speech therapy can help dyslexic adults develop a stronger foundation for reading and spelling.

Through various exercises and activities, you may learn to identify and differentiate sounds, blend them together, and divide them with individual words.

These skills improve the ability to decode words accurately.

Speech therapy also focuses on improving reading fluency, which involves reading, speed, and expression.

We employ strategies to address reading challenges, such as practicing sight words and using phonics based approaches.

By incorporating repetitive reading, guided reading exercises, and the use of assistive technology, we help dyslexic adults build their fluency and increase overall reading comprehension.

In addition to addressing specific reading related skills, speech therapy also plays a key role in enhancing language comprehension.

We work on strengthening language comprehension by targeting skills such as understanding vocabulary, following instructions, and organizing information.

To do this, we employ various strategies, including visual aids, graphic organizers, and explicit instructions.

Finally, speech therapy also focuses on building self confidence.

We create a supportive and empowering environment, offering personalized guidance and encouragement.

This can help you confidently express yourself, engage in meaningful conversations, and navigate personal and professional environments more effectively.

Book Your Appointment With Voz Speech Therapy Today

Speech therapy for dyslexic adults holds great potential for personal growth, improved communication, and enhanced literacy skills.

Through tailored interventions and strategies, we empower you to overcome the challenges posed by dyslexia and unlock their true potential.

By addressing phonological awareness, reading fluency, language comprehension, and overall communication skills, speech therapy can give you the tools you need to navigate written and spoken word with confidence.

Our experienced team at Voz Speech Therapy is committed to providing personalized interventions tailored to your unique needs.

Don’t let dyslexia hold you back.

Book your appointment with Voz Speech Therapy today.

Voz Speech Therapy
1331 H St NW Ste 200,
Washington, DC 20005

(202) 734-4884
- https://g.page/vozspeechtherapy

Voz Speech Therapy is a pediatric bilingual speech therapy clinic in Washington, DC that provides individualized services based on the specific needs of your or your child. Therapy sessions are provided in English or Spanish, depending on your child’s native language. Voz Speech Therapy es una clínica pediátrica bilingüe de terapia del habla en Washington, DC que brinda servicios individualizados según las necesidades específicas de usted o su hijo. Las sesiones de terapia se brindan en inglés o español, según el idioma nativo de su hijo.